Hearing Aids
In short: hearing aids help you hear better if you experience hearing loss. Regardless of the style and model, hearing aids consist of similar elements. Inside each hearing aid is a computer chip that helps with processing and amplifying sound, a battery that powers the device, and a speaker that sends amplified, processed sound to your ear.

BTE hearing aids consist of two main parts: a plastic casing that sits on top of your outer hear and houses the hearing aid’s electronical components, and a tube that connects to a custom ear mold that rests inside your ear canal. BTE hearing aids treat moderate to severe hearing loss and are prized for their flexibility and ease of use. BTE hearing aids come in a number of sizes, with many manufacturers now offering miniBTE devices.

RITE/RIC hearing aids resemble BTE hearing aids in appearance, with the speaker resting in the ear canal, connected to the electronic components through a thin tube.

ITE hearing aids rest – as they are named – inside your ear bowl. Half shell and full shell models are available. ITE hearing aids provide a longer battery life and can treat a wider range of degrees of hearing loss. They are more visible than other hearing aid styles and are often the choice of people who wear glasses.

CIC and IIC hearing aids are prized for their discrete aesthetic – often times, they are not noticeable at all when they are worn. In some cases, CIC or IIC hearing aids may have to be inserted by a hearing professional, as they are placed deep inside the ear canal. While they are discreet, CIC and IIC hearing aids tend to treat lower degrees of hearing loss and may not be suitable for more severe cases.
Hearing Aid Styles
There are a number of common device styles, which are designed to suit different lifestyles and health needs.
Hearing Aids We Offer

Widex Allure hearing aids deliver crystal-clear speech and natural sound quality through advanced technology, available at Professional Hearing Services in Denver.

The Starkey Edge AI features advanced AI processing that enables superior speech clarity and noise reduction, with up to 51 hours of battery life and automatic sound adjustments for different environments.

Features Own Voice Processing (OVP) for a natural perception of the wearer's voice, with advanced connectivity and automatic environmental adaptation for an optimized hearing experience.
Brands & Hearing Aid Pricing
At Professional Hearing Services, we offer hearing aids from a wide variety of premium manufacturers. Our most popular brands include Starkey, Signia, Oticon, Unitron, and Widex. Each manufacturer offers unique features and various lines designed to help all types of hearing loss as well as all sorts of budgets.
We offer hearing aids to fit any lifestyle or budget. Warranties can go from 1 year to 3 years, depending on brand and model. Our Audiologists will work with you to determine the right treatment plan and product for your hearing, lifestyle and budget.